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Who We Are.

Sufficity cities is a civil engineers dream manifesting in 2023. Civil Engineers are the original urban & community planners trained to analyze the resources of a cities location & plan development in harmony with nature & populations. Sufficity is being developed in accord with this basic engineering premise as we strive to do no harm while achieving our goals for sustainable living in a recycling city.  Civil Engineers have been replaced by City Mangers, ie business managers who are more concerned about money to maintain bureaucracies over comfortable sustainable living for happy, healthy residents & communities. This is the root of inadequate water supplies, insufficient power supplies, traffic congestion, over building & permitting that causes business failures, poverty & other dangerous conditions that proper planning can mitigate. Sufficity civil engineers strive to mitigate misery in the world through Sufficity Cities

The founder, Michelle Harvey, is the daughter of Carroll B Harvey, the civil engineer who designed the SW Freeway in Washington DC. Mr Harvey was the only person able to navigate his way through modern highway design technique & old tried & true road building skills to succeed in constructing a Freeway through Washington, DC's urban swamp. Michelle Harvey followed in her father's footsteps as well as sat at the feet of her master builder grandfather & uncles who were masons.  She combined the talents of her elders in order to develop the skills necessary to utilize present & past waste to remake & rebuild the failing infrastructures that have produced the pollutants that put life as we know it in jeopardy. Sufficity Cities collecting the wisdom of the past to solve present day problems and build a sustainable future.

Sufficity has the same vibe as felicity, the intense happiness that the founder plans to bring to life long & multi-gernerational residents living their purpose. Watching her father help create "Pride Incorporated", the 1st Urban Jobs Program for teens & unemployed black men, she saw that jobs with purpose not only help financially. Purpose elevated humanity mentally, physically, spiritully & emotionally. She knows felicity doesn't last forever but a safe & secure home with guarenteed food, clothing & shelter removes a lot of the stress that blocks joy. 


Sufficity Cities design & build kit homes on self-sufficient Land Trusts utilizing recyclable materials to employ residents in profitable, waste reduction jobs, raising black community value & expectations. The world demands the financial & environmental burdens of pollution & homelessness be mitigated. Governments address these issues separately. Sufficity combines solutions to efficiently & effectively utilize 2 wasted resources, producing systemic changes in POC home ownership that creates jobs with purpose during this crisis & helps repair racist housing practices causing homelessness. Sufficity is a form of Reparations designed by POC for People of Color.

Our Mission

Sufficity Cities Mission is to build communities that support existing urban areas by utilizing present & past waste to remake & rebuild failing infrastructures through effective & efficient ever evolving city planning that assists nature with no longer putting life as we know it in jeopardy.

This mission shall expand & grow as Sufficity Cities learn & grow.

Core Values

Innovation Basics

  • Leave each situation better than we find it through historic location based best practice models blended with ever evolving  technology;

  • Work for the good of society as a whole;

  • Don't fight nature, use it.

  • Pollution is nothing but resources we're not using. Quote from Buckmister fuller;

  • High expectations produce the highest results.


Sufficity Cities are being implemented after decades of working on building & renovation projects that provided the experience necessary to begin. The founder's family will live in the prototype assuring 1st hand experience with Self-sufficient Community Living utilizing these evolving methods. 


Sufficity Cities utilizes best practices for staged accessibility for people of all economic, cultural, racial, gender, & ability differences.  

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